Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Problems Pakistani youth face

In most of the developing countries young people are growing up without opportunities, information and services they need to reach their full potential. There is mounting evidence to prove that lack of investment and an indifference to the needs of youth incur a high cost in terms of lost development opportunities, ill health and social, physical, mental disruption. And it means failure to fully support our present "asset" as well as next generation of parents and leaders. There is no doubt that the youth have been at the centre of socio-economic and socio-political changes taking place in Pakistan and elsewhere. The period of the life under which the youth fall, is the most productive and energetic. If their energies are not channeled they fail to captivate opportunities that come their way.

At this moment, the youth in Pakistan find themselves in a far better position than many of their peers in other countries because of the demographic advantage they enjoy in Pakistan. As a matter of fact Pakistani population is very young.

Of the 15 largest countries in the world in terms of population size Pakistan has by far the youngest people. Should such a young population be regarded as a burden or an asset? I believe that our demographic situation provides our young with an extraordinary opportunity to compete in whatever sphere they chose. We have an opportunity to turn our very large and very young people into a productive asset. That could contribute significantly to the economic growth and poverty alleviation


Both the government and society must join their hands or this nation-building task and concentrate on protecting the emotional and physical health of the youth, their skill-based education, provision of recreational facilities, employment, and above all incorporation of self-confidence, motivation and courage to move forward.

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